Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My Favorite Salutation for this Time of Year

(  )Happy Holidays
(  )Season's Greetings

I haven't yet found any fellow bettors to get together a Black Friday Trampling Deaths pool, but I say 3, and a dozen newsworthy injuries.  I stay outta the stores on Buy
Nothing Day

in the Spirit,

Monday, November 19, 2012

Keeping it Classy!

Momma always said, If you can't generate your own thoughtful original content,
then just post a Youtube video of some guy sh*tting.
Actually, she never said that.
This video was shown to me yesterday by my 7 year old friend George.
There's some funny stuff on those internets!
On the other hand, wouldn't the world be a better place if all conflicts were resolved so non-violently?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Illusion of Control

(to be worn as a Garment)

I have taken it down
having shaken all useful things from its pockets
washed it, ironed it,
Patched the threadbare spots
Soaked the bloodstains out
Peeked thru the bullet holes at that child who still thinks I am awesome (may she ever)
Embroidered a few stars to show where I was very brave
Pinned it back carefully in place, strengthened and brightened and just so.
I lift it just slightly to show an ankle, a shapely leg, a broad wise foot;
I walk proud, walk tall, walk proud.